Microsoft Remote Deskop is an effective free tool for managing remote-desktop connections from a Mac. Perfect for those who travel frequently, or those who have a Mac/PC environment at work that they need to interface with, this free app provides most of the basic tools necessary.
Remote Desktop Connection Client For Mac
Download Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 for macOS 10.11 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. Use the new Microsoft Remote Desktop app to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your administrator.
Fast and intuitive: Microsoft Remote Desktop's basic tools allow you to access your remote Windows desktop and open common programs, sort through files, and manipulate your machine from a Mac over an Internet connection. This is an invaluable tool.
Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client For Mac Os X 10.8.5 MS RDP client disconnect on Mac 10.8.5 While Apple's move to having Mac OS X updates be. The Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 client for macOS with its redesigned user experience and new code base has been. But in Jump Desktop I needed to disable the client side Network Level Authentication to connect to my resources. Jump Desktop is not free, but it works when RDC V10 is not working. The new Remote Desktop for Mac stalls when.
Clean user interface: The interface is decidedly Mac-friendly, offering a range of tools that can quick-start popular Windows programs or folders that you use frequently on your PC. Whether you're booting up Remote Desktop quickly to access your machine or you're using it for long work sessions, the layout of the tools is effective.
Limited display options: The display options can be limited at times, with dock and menu hide options not available in certain configurations. Multiscreen support sometimes causes issues when you switch back to single-screen use, which can be frustrating when you're managing multiple apps or switching between interfaces.
Bottom Line
Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac is a useful free tool that allows you to access your Windows programs and files from a remote Mac. That alone is reason enough to download it, if you work on both systems and need to move files between them often. Remote Desktop is not as robust as other paid tools, but for infrequent transfers or very basic needs, it gets the job done.
What do you need to know about free software?
When working from Windows, I prefer to use RoyalTS instead of the default Microsoft RDP client, because it allows me to save multiple connections, the credentials of the connection, etc; as well has having more than 1 connection open at a time.
Is there a similar (or any) alternative to the Microsoft RDP client for connecting from OSX to Windows? Aside from VNC, that is; at this point I'm hoping to continue using the RDP protocol.
Adam TuttleAdam Tuttleclosed as off topic by Canadian Luke, Dave, CharlieRB, James Mertz, soandosJan 7 '13 at 19:36
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4 Answers
GaffYep, you can use TSclientX, an alternative to RDP Client for Mac OS X.
TSclientX is freeware.
GaffMicrosoft Remote Desktop Connection Client For Mac Os X 10.8
Download Remote Desktop Connection Client
I can confirm that Thinomenon's RDC has the advantage to be compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion when CoRD, TSclientX and apparently Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection are not.
Remote Desktop Connection Client Software is the best RDC client available for free on Mac/Windows/Linux