
Just to make sure I was not inventing stuff, I enabled TLSv1 on my main server (before I was playing with a test VM that did not actually have NextCloud installed) and I am able to set up a NextCloud account through the Mac OS client normally. Hi there, we are expierencing problems with the NextCloud Client for MAC Users are not able to upload files into folders shared with them. The client keeps saying that there would be Insufficient storage which&hellip.

The 💻 Nextcloud Desktop Client is a tool to synchronize files from Nextcloud Serverwith your computer.

💙🎉 Contributing

Nextcloud desktop client locking

🛠How to compile the desktop client

ðŸx8F—System requirements includes OpenSSL 1.1.x, QtKeychain, Qt 5.x.x and zlib.

Nextcloud Client For Mac

ðŸ“x9D Step by step instructions

Clone the repo and create build directory

Nextcloud Desktop Client Locking

Compile and install

âš ï¸x8F For development reasons it is better to install the client on user space instead on the global system. Mixing up libs/dll's of different version can lead to undefined behavior and crashes:

  • You could use the cmake flagCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as ~/.local/ in a Linux system. If you want to install system wide you could use /usr/local or /opt/nextcloud/.

  • On Windows 10$USERPROFILE refers to C:Users<USERNAME>.

Linux & Mac OS

ℹï¸x8F More detailed instructions can be found at the Desktop Client Wiki.

📥 Where to find binaries to download

Nextcloud client windows

🔆 Daily builds

Email Client For Mac

  • Daily builds based on the latest master are available for Linux ðŸx90§, Mac, and Windowsin the desktop/daily folder of our download server.For more info: Wiki/Daily Builds.

🚀 Releases

  • Refer to the download page https://nextcloud.com/install/#install-clients

💣 Reporting issues

  • If you find any bugs or have any suggestion for improvement, pleasefile an issue at https://github.com/nextcloud/client/issues. Do notcontact the authors directly by mail, as this increases the chanceof your report being lost. 💥

😃ðŸx8F† Pull requests

  • If you created a patch ðŸ˜x8D, please submit a PullRequest.
  • How to create a pull request? This guide will help you get started: Opening a pull requestâx9D¤ï¸x8F

📡 Contact us

If you want to contact us, e.g. before starting a more complex feature, for questions âx9D“you can join us at#nextcloud-client.

✌ï¸x8F Code of conduct

The Nextcloud community has core values that are shared between all members during conferences, hackweeks and on all interactions in online platforms including Github and Forums. If you contribute, participate or interact with this community, please respect our shared values. 😌

ðŸ“x9D Source code

The Nextcloud Desktop Client is developed in Git. Since Git makes it easy tofork and improve the source code and to adapt it to your need, many copiescan be found on the Internet, in particular on GitHub. However, theauthoritative repository maintained by the developers is located athttps://github.com/nextcloud/desktop.

📜 License