
Posted on September 21, 2012 by VPN Instructions Editor Posted in Mac OS X: PPTP — 1 Comment ↓ For our instructions and tutorial, we are using the VPN services from Kovurt.com. You can use any service you like, but we prefer Kovurt.

Active9 months ago

Lately I discovered that connecting to a VPN via PPTP option has been removed in the new mac os - sierra.I tried multiple application to do so - all failed.How can I connect to my VPN over PPTP?

ps. I don't want to use L2TP because I don't have a pre shared key (I also don't know what it is).

Niv ApoNiv Apo
4951 gold badge6 silver badges16 bronze badges

closed as off-topic by Daedalus, rene, Pang, Yvette Colomb, Petter FribergMar 28 '17 at 7:58

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2 Answers

The FlowVPN client is free (and works with any provider).

It supports PPTP and OpenVPN on macOS Sierra:

Just overwrite the FlowVPN server address with any server and it connects.

3,5911 gold badge19 silver badges17 bronze badges

VPN PPTP in Sierra is dismissed because it is not a secure method of communication.To solve the problem; you can install software Shimo that works with the operating system Sierra


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Active9 years, 9 months ago

I need an free vpn client for mac os x leopard that supports PPTP

3081 gold badge6 silver badges12 bronze badges

closed as off-topic by Ladadadada, Jenny D, mdpc, Falcon Momot, Dennis KaarsemakerJan 17 '14 at 10:05

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  • 'Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.' – Ladadadada, Falcon Momot, Dennis Kaarsemaker
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If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.Pptp client for mac os sierra

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4 Answers


Torrent Client For Mac

OS X has a built in PPTP client.http://www.bol.ucla.edu/services/vpn/pptp/docs/macosx.html#leopardpp

Adam GibbinsAdam Gibbins
6,1962 gold badges24 silver badges42 bronze badges

I use Shimo, which is really simplifies the VPN management process. Macworld did a pretty good write up on the application in Aug of '07, but much of the article is still relevent: http://www.macworld.com/article/59355/2007/08/shimo.html It does nag you asking you to license it, but the application is fully featured even if you don't license it and you can easily minimize the nag window.

1,0691 gold badge9 silver badges17 bronze badges

Not Free, but only $9 - Viscosity VPN www.viscosityvpn.comSupports only 10.5 or later.


Free Pptp Client For Mac Os X

9352 gold badges12 silver badges24 bronze badges

Mac Pptp Vpn


Free Pptp Vpn Client

There is an interesting alternative to the builtin: JollyFastVNC


Pptp Client For Mac Os Sierra

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