Hi, I have a Foscam R2 and when I try to use the foscam software it just times out. Im using Sierra 10.12.4 with Safari 10.1. It works on my laptop but that is running El Capitan 10.11.6 with safari 10.0.3, I have tried the plugins form this page. Nov 12, 2014  This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.


Foscam app for macChrome

Foscam Ip Camera Client Download


Set Home Page For Chrome On Mac

  • An IP camera is a camera that can be directly connected to a network (local or internet). This can be achieved using an Ethernet cable or (depending on the camera) via a wireless network (Wifi / IEEE 802.11b/g).

    This is different than the conventional PC cameras that can only be used when the PC to which they are connected, is turned on.

    IP cameras work independently from a PC and have their own built-in processor and can be approached by the network by using an internet browser. This makes it possible to operate and configure the camera remotely.

  • The maximum amount of users that can use the camera is 10.

    Please note that the performance of the system will be less as more users simultaneously access the camera.

  • Can I use wireless and wired network simultaneously?

    It is not recommended to use both networks simultaneously. This could cause errors.

    The wireless cameras all have a RJ45 connection. With these systems, you can choose whether you want to work wirelessly or by a network cable.

  • There are several cameras offered on the internet that look a lot like Foscam products. These products usually don't have the same quality as Foscam. In addition, the software is different and can make the camera unusable when upgrading firmware.

    So play close attention to what you buy. Foscam products come shipped in a red/white box!

    Ask your vendor for the original product.

  • The recognition of a person is dependent on many of factors. For example, the amount of light, environment, and distance from the camera. With the FI8904W, a person can be recognized up to a distance of 10 meters (indication), but depending on the situation a larger distance is possible. Obviously, one can see that there are persons present at greater distances, but facial recognition may be difficult.

  • In an open space, the WiFi should be able to bridge a distance of 100 meters.
    Indoor, one soon finds a lot of restrictions, disturbing elements are in the first place concrete walls, brick, glass, radiators (reflection), wood, etc.

  • How do I turn off the green flickering LED? (FI8908W)

    In the Network Settings (Basic Network Settings), you can turn off this LED (Network Lamp).

  • A lot of users want alarm messages sent to a Gmail account and want to use the Gmail SMTP server for this.

    You can use the Gmail SMTP server with all current Foscam cameras. For some discontinued models there are restrictions.

    You can also use the SMTP server from your internet provider (Ziggo, HetNet, Online, XS4All, etc) to send mail to a Gmail account. These can usually be used without SSL.

  • The video and audio from Foscam cameras can be played on a Mac using VLC Media Player.

    In the VLC player, you can open the stream of the camera by navigating to http://ip.address.camera/videostream.asf. Then you wil have video and audio on a Mac.

  • You can order an extension cable for pretty much every camera in our webshop. These are available in different lengths.

    Attention: there are various sizes of plugs, on the cable page is shown for which models the cable is suitable for

  • The presets are designed to move the head of pan-tilt cameras to a fixed position quickly.

    In order to use this functionality, you must first define the positions. You do this by operating the pan-tilt buttons until the head is facing the right direction. Then, select the number of the preset you want to establish and press 'Set'.

    You can establish up to 8 positions this way.

    Calling up the positions works as follows: Select the number of the preset you want to use and click 'Go'.

    The head of the camera will move to the established position.

  • A lot of users ask if there are lenses with a larger angle available for this camera (with 12mm lens). This is because the 25 degree viewing angle is sometimes too small.

    We don't recommended changing lenses because then the IR-LEDs need to replaced as well, since the original LEDs also have a limited illumination angle. In addition, a lot of lenses on the market don't fit in the camera's housing.

    Starting Februari 2011, there will be FI8905W models available with a 8mm or 6mm lens. These will have matching IR-LEDs.

    (The FI8905W uses a different size lens than the FI8904W and FI8903W, these are therefore not entirely interchangeable.)

  • Yes, this is possible.

    There is a short manual available on how to install a camera on a Mac.

    There is also a free application available for Mac (IP Camera Tool) to find the camera in your network.

  • For most of the Foscam cameras, the standard login is:

    user: admin

    password: [don't enter a password]

    For some cameras, like the FI9820W and FI8620, the standard login is:

    user: admin

    password: admin

  • Foscam cameras work with all versions of Internet Explorer (up to version 11).

  • Download and install VLC (ActiveX) to use the audio function.
    Use this link to download: http://www.videolan.org
    NOTE: When installing VLC you need to select Mozilla plugin.

    Click the audio button to activate the sound.

    Note: sound on Safari (also on Mac) is not supported yet. Mac users can use Firefox.

  • With the latest firmware from the FI8918W (, it's possible to set the port forwarding in your router automatically via UPNP.

    You need to activate the uPNP function in the camera and in the router.

    If this doesn't function properly, you need to manually configure port forwarding in the router.

    Note: We advise to not use port 80 but a different one with uPNP.

  • The view angle that you want to use depends on the situation you want to portray.

    This can be determined by calculating the angle; it can be calculated using the distance from the camera to the object you want to focus on and the width of this object.

    Click here for a form to calculate the view angle.

  • What is the difference between the FI8918W and the FI8910W

    Both cameras are technically identical, only the housing is different.

    As a result, only the pan and tilt angle slightly different.

  • The Foscam IR-Cut models have an extra function to block infrared light during the day time. This is to prevent the distortion of the color which is seen without IR-Cut in cameras. This allows the colors to not be influenced by infrared light during the day and at night it is still possible to use night vision with infrared light. The cameras active the infrared LEDs for night vision themselves and also operate the IR-Cut filter so it is in the correct position. Therefore, the user has nothing to worry about.

    These photos are taken in a green environment on a sunny day. The color distortion is greatest in this situation and shows the clear difference between the two.

  • All Foscam models with a 'P' in the SKU have a Plug-n-Play function. Additionally, all new consumer cameras will have this feature.

    Direct access by scanning the QR-Code

    The Foscam “Plug-n-Play” cameras can be used almost immediately on a smartphone or tablet by simply scanning the QR code on the camera with the Foscam App.

    This makes it not necessary to set up port-forwarding in your router or to configure fixed IP addresses.

    Someone with little IT experience can install the camera and can approach the camera from anywhere, even from the Internet.

  • To restore factory default settings back on the camera, press the reset button 10 seconds. This will also reset the password.

  • Currently, the NPAPI module is turned off by default in Google Chrome. This module is necessary to active external plugins, like the Foscam plugin. Following the steps below, the NPAPI module can be reactivated.


    Activating NPAPI in Chrome version 42 and later.
    Starting from Chrome version 42, an extra configuration step is needed to continue using the NPAPI plug-ins. Enter the following in the URL bar: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi. In the configuration option 'enable NPAPI', click on the shortcut 'Enable'. Click on the 'Restart now' button which is shown at the button of the configuration page.


    When the NPAPI module is activated, you need to install the plugin and allow it in the browser. Allowing the plugin can be activated by clicking the puzzle piece in the address bar.

    Note: Chrome has stopped supporting NPAPI completely since 1 september 2015. If your browser is upgraded after this date, the solution above won't work! Different answers in this section provide other possibilities.

  • 3518A3518C3518E
    FI9821W V2FosBabyC1
    FI9818W V2FosBaby P1FI9816P
    FI9831WFI9803EPFI9803P V2
    FI9828WFI9831P V2
    FI9805WFI9821P V2
    FI9804WFI9821W V2.1
    FI9805EFI9826P V2
  • Which models with which firmware have Push messages?
    ModelFirmware VersionFeatures
    C12.52.2.5Push Notification,
    Firmware Update on Foscam App,
    Sound Detection,
    Voice Setup Wizard
    FI9803P V22.54.2.5
    FI9821P V22.21.2.5
    FI9826P V22.21.2.5
    FI9831P V22.21.2.5
    FosBaby P12.22.2.5
    Note: De minimum version of the Foscam App is version 1.3.2
  • Which models with which firmware have Cloud storage?
    ModelFirmware Version
    C1 Lite
    FI9803P V22.54.2.16
    FI9821P V22.21.2.18
    FI9826P V22.21.2.18
    FI9831P V22.21.2.18
    FosBaby P12.22.2.18
    Note: De minimum version of the Foscam App is version 1.6.0.
    It is recommended to update to the latest version
  • In addition to motion & sound detection, this new intelligent human recognition technology can detect human activities, eliminating 'false alarms' triggered by flying insects, moving pets or other objects.

    Read more.

  • Alexa is Amazon's virtual assistant, like Siri for the iPhone. Alexa is built into smart devices like the Amazon Echo and the Amazon Echo Show. And now Foscam also works with Alexa.

    Read more.