A bonus for today is a guest post by my colleague Senthil Dhamotharan. He shares the steps to install the Oracle Instant Client ODBC driver and the unixODBC Driver Manager on macOS. ODBC is an open specification for accessing databases.
I believe what you need to get best access to your Oracle Database is installing Oracle SQL Developer. Free, can be installed in most any platform and grants you access to all you may want in an Oracle DB. You will need to install the latest Java 8 JDK first, since it runs on that.
- Hi, I'm running on Macbook 13' with OS X 10.4.7 Intel CoreDuo. I have downloaded oracle client 10g for Mac OS X. I have followed the instruction from Oracle Document B13955_01 and got problem when run runInstaller.
- The SGD Client installation program is sgdcwin-lang.msi, where lang is the selected language. Change to the temporary directory and install the SGD Client. Double-click sgdcwin- lang.msi and follow the instructions on the screen.
I use it constantly to carry out queries and such on our corporate Oracle Database 12c we run on an Oracle Solaris 11 server. I'm using the same MBP as you, but with 10.11.2 El Capitan, with no issues.
Install Oracle Client Mac Os X
Download Oracle Client For Windows
Edit: just reread your message. If you already have access to an installed Oracle Database running elsewhere, SQL Developer will let you interact as needed. If you do NOT have a preexisting Oracle Database and need to install one, use VirtualBox to set up a virtual machine with adequate resources. Can be Windows (will require licensing) or Oracle Solaris (free). Once the VM is running, download the appropriate version of Oracle Database and install. You will need to know how to sysadmin the system on the VM, as well as handing the DB.