If you run OneDrive for Business on a Mac, see Get started with the new OneDrive sync client on Mac OS X. This article contains information that applies when you use the OneDrive for Business sync client (groove.exe). Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based storage and syncing solution that works on only Mac, PC, or mobile device with access to the internet. After you install OneDrive on your Mac, it appears to be just another folder. Drop a file or folder of any type into the OneDrive folder, and the data is immediately stored on the OneDrive cloud storage system.
Microsoft is rolling out over the next few months, starting today, a number of new 'Spring' features for the next version of its OneDrive Next Generation Sync Client.
Officials disclosed the features for the updated NGSC -- 'which we now refer to as the new OneDrive sync client,' in execs' words -- on April 12. Microsoft rolled out the initial release of OneDrive NGSC for Windows and Mac users in December 2015.
According to the company, here's what's coming to users starting today, and continuing on for the next several months:
Windows 8.1 support: This completes our commitment around Windows OS support (7, 8, 8.1 and 10).Office 2016 integration: In conjunction with an Office 2016 update currently rolling out, key features such as real-time co-authoring, open documents from the Most Recent list and share documents from within the Office app will be available.
Improved setup: Now it's easy for anyone to get and install the new OneDrive sync client. No more registry keys needed on Windows or Terminal window on Mac.
Seamless client migration: If you are running the previous sync client (groove.exe), this update seamlessly transitions without requiring a resync.
Pause sync: A handy feature when you want to suspend syncing for a period of time, like when you are tethered to your phone or using Wi-Fi on an airplane.
View files online: You can now right click any document in Windows Explorer and select 'view online' to navigate to the OneDrive for Business file or folder in the browser.
Sync any file type you want: We've added support for .json, .aspx, .swf files and more; you can now add any file type to your OneDrive for Business.
Block file types: IT admins can now block certain file types from syncing, such as PST or MKV files protecting limited bandwidth.
Performance and reliability improvement: Give small files in particular a big boost in upload and download speed.
Officials said 'most' of these new capabilities will be available to all OneDrive for Business users within one to two weeks. The Office 2016 integration (including the associated Office 2016 update) and Pause sync features 'will continue rolling out during the course of the summer,' they noted.
In March 2016, officials said they were planning to deliver Windows 8.1 support in Q1 of 2016. Groove.exe takeover and pause sync were listed as Q2 2016 deliverables on Microsoft's updated OneDrive for Business roadmap.
One Drive For Business Tutorials
Additional sync updates are coming beyond that, including:
Manage bandwidth: By the end of June, we'll deliver IT controls to throttle bandwidth consumption of the client. (This was listed as a Q2 deliverable on the March OneDrive for Business roadmap.)
Read also:
One Drive
In a new announcement, the company says it plans to unify its consumer and commercial OneDrive engines, but some changes might arrive after the initial release of Windows 10.
Extended Windows Explorer integration: A simple right-click action to get a link or share files directly in Windows Explorer.
SharePoint Document Library Sync: We're adding SharePoint Online document library sync, starting with a preview in the third quarter of 2016, with general release by the end of 2016.
The SharePoint Document Library Sync is one of the most sought-after OneDrive for Business features -- and one that Microsoft execs, until today, on which officials weren't pinning a definitive ship target. In early March, Microsoft execs said they were committed to providing this functionality, but wouldn't say when.
There's still no official update as to when and how Microsoft plans to provide something to replace OneDrive Placeholders functionality that the OneDrive team removed in Windows releases following Windows 8.1.
In other Microsoft cloud services news, Microsoft updated its Skype for Business clients for iOS and Android today, April 12, adding the ability to view meeting content on Android and improvements to the meeting experience on both platforms, even when you are experiencing spotty Internet connectivity.
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IT Priorities Digital Transformation Data Centers CXO Innovation StorageMicrosoft OneDrive is a cloud-based storage and syncing solution that works on Macs, PCs, and mobile device with access to the internet. After you install Office 365 with OneDrive on your Mac, it appears to be just another folder. Drop a file or folder of any type into the OneDrive folder, and the data is immediately stored on the OneDrive cloud storage system. OneDrive is included with all Office 365 paid subscriptions.
You can also access your OneDrive content using a web browser Browser-based access allows you to make use of the cloud-based storage on any computing platform you find yourself using without having to install the OneDrive app.
About OneDrive for the Mac
OneDrive from Microsoft may seem like an odd choice for a Mac user to use to store data in the cloud, but there's no reason not to use it. Free OneDrive plans include a free 5GB and paid plans include even more.
OneDrive can be used along with other cloud-based storage services, including Appleās own iCloud service, Dropbox, and Google Drive. There's nothing to stop you from using all four and taking advantage of the free storage tiers offered by each service.
OneDrive Plans
OneDrive currently offers several tiers of service, including plans that are paired with Office 365.
How to Set Up OneDrive Free on a Mac
For OneDrive to work, you need two basic items: a Microsoft account and the OneDrive for Mac application. Both are free.
If you don't already have a Microsoft ID, go to the Microsoft ID signup screen and select No account? Create one! Supply the requested information and create a password. Before you know it, you'll have a new Microsoft ID.
Go to the OneDrive website.
Click the Sign In button and enter your ID.
Your browser will display the default OneDrive folder configuration. Go to the bottom of the sidebar and click or press Get the OneDrive App link.
Click the Download button to download OneDrive for Mac.
Open your Mac's downloads folder and double-click the OneDrive.pkg file.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the OneDrive application on your Mac.
Using OneDrive
Google One Drive For Business
OneDrive acts much like any other folder on your Mac. The only difference is that the data within it is also stored on remote OneDrive servers. In the OneDrive folder are three default folders labeled Documents, Pictures, and Public. You can add as many folders as you want and create any system of organization that suits you.
Adding files is as simple as copying or dragging them to the OneDrive folder or appropriate subfolder. After you put files in the OneDrive folder, you can access them from any Mac, PC, or mobile device that has OneDrive installed. You can also access the OneDrive folder from any computer or mobile device using the web interface.
The OneDrive app runs as a menu bar item that includes sync status for files kept in the OneDrive folder. There is also a set of preferences you can adjust by selecting the OneDrive menu bar item and clicking on the gear button. You're set up and have 5GB of free space to use.