Have you tried contacting papercut support, they are usually very good at responding and very helpful

The papercut client software issue i haven't looked at papercut for a while but i'd imagine the latest version of papercut may not be available for snow leopard server due to its age? Drag the PCClient (or legacy/PCClient on OS X 10.6 or lower) package to the local hard disk’s Applications folder. The copy process begins. The copy process begins. In the Applications directory, Control+click the newly copied PCClient application. The PaperCut Client will now be installed on your Mac The PaperCut Client needs a java runtime. If you do not have Java installed on your Mac, when you first run 'PCClient' on Mac OS X 10.7 or later, you will be asked to install Java.


Unfortunately snow leopard server is quite old now. But upgrading to maverick may make matters worse

when you consider apples continued path of removal of services from OSX and still, doesn't address

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the papercut client software issue

i haven't looked at papercut for a while but I'd imagine the latest version of papercut may not be available for

snow leopard server due to its age?

papercut support maybe able to offer some sort of workaround without using papercut client

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http authentication maybe??

You might have to run Linux version of papercut server or windows to get the latest version

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Papercut support lists a workaround here that alludes to a java problem perhaps that's also effecting

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client machines

Hamilton edu seem to be able to use paperçut client with maverick might be worth contacting them

if you get no joy from papercut support

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If your Xserve is to old for maverick and you don't have any PC hardware, you might be able to install Linux virtually on the xserve

I think papercut still has the free 5 user max version you could test thing out with

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Sep 6, 2014 3:05 PM